Focus on special teams: 3 questions for the Gehrig Twins
We are pleased to welcome very special female bike celebrities at Mondraker Enduro2: The Enduro bike pros Gehrig Twins. Read in our series "3 questions for..." how the sisters Anita and Caro Gehrig harmonize within the Norco Twins Racing Team, if they don't wish for a bit more individuality rather than being a twin pack and what they expect from Mondraker Enduro2 in Davos.
Mondraker Enduro2: As professional bikers you are usually competing against each other in the Enduro races. But you've also ridden a race as a team, where the uphill sections were timed as well. One of you had some more difficulties on the track... How well do you harmonize as a team in a race?
Gehrig Twins: As twins we are and have always been on the road as a team of two. We know each other inside out and do all our training together. So for us it is the most normal thing in the world to chase each other down a trail. When we ride as a team, we of course try to cheer and push each other on additionally.
Mondraker Enduro2: The "Gehrig Twins" have become an established brand in the bike scene. What's it like to be called and identified as twins in the same profession all the time? Don't you sometimes feel the need for more individuality?
Gehrig Twins: Well, we've had more than 30 years to get used to it... We share our success even more, because people usually don't know which of us was the faster one anyway. That's not so bad at all – because we achieve our success together. Of course you're happy if you were the faster twin, but our competition is limited. Basically our motto is "US against the rest of the world". Being beaten by your sister isn't as bad as being beaten by someone else.
Mondraker Enduro2: What are your expectations at the Mondraker Enduro2 in Davos?
Gehrig Twins: Mainly we want to have a good time. It's also a great opportunity to add the finishing touches on our performance for our season's highlight, the Enduro World Series race in Zermatt two weeks later. There is simply nothing better than riding against the clock.
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9th edition
4. – 6. September 2025
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